Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A beautiful sunny afternoon on the national mall. 40F, a gentle breeze
A beautiful sunny afternoon on the national mall. 38F, a gentle breeze. Well, until it hits you in the face and becomes a 10mph headwind, then it's just plain old wind. A beautiful day outside.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
several runs
I've had several runs out since Las Vegas - nothing more than 5 miles, and not consistently. I'm beginning to feel like a slug again. The problem is one of motivation versus being a wimp per se. It's cold and dark early in the morning, and I don't like to go running in the cold and dark. It's cold and dark in the evening, and I don't like to go running in the cold and dark.
I will go running for training in the cold, and I will go running for training in the dark, and I will go run a race in the cold and dark, but I don't want to push myself to train in the cold and dark for a training run. It really annoys me.
I'm going to have to bite the bullet and begin running at work during lunch. It's not the best choice because it means that I'm not able to interact with clients over lunch, and I'm also missing out on social time with my peers. But i need the run each day and I'm not getting it now and it is killing me mentally and physically, and that's not doing my career any good either. So that looks like the best choice.
I'm going to try to run at lunch tomorrow. I've got my bag packed (well, the bag is courtesy of my generous eldest darling daughter) with what I will need - running clothes, electronics, towel, shampoo/soap, etc. the only thing not in the bag are the orthotics that I put in my shoes. i only have one pair and i am wearing them now. that's my one "single point of failure" for running, the thing I need to never forget.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Marathons are so easy even a caveman can do it
There were several runners in costumes and I happened to be near the caveman after the race. I had passed him about mile 21 or so. The back of his shirt (shirt?) had a sign "So easy even a caveman can do it".
Aspen, the youngest marathon finisher (she's 2)
she was zooming around with the medal around her neck, running away from her parents and then back to them and then away again with the best smile on her face. A joy to see.
Show girls at the finish line
It helps with motivation I suppose
When I first saw her next to the photographer, I thought I had happened upon her after having her picture taken, and that she had RUN THE RACE IN COSTUME! So I was tired, ok? And they asked if I wanted my picture taken with her and I thought "I don't really want my picture taken with another runner, even in that get up". Although I was wondering how she managed that head piece in the winds.
Two minutes later I see a half-dozen of them in assorted colors walking towards the photograph station and it hits me. "Oh, they are part of the show."
5:28:41 by my watch
The reverse view of the finish line - a better view of the time clock then when I am moving towards it. Got to avoid the photographer sitting on the ground.
The finish line!
Approaching the finish line! Hear the roar of the crowd!
Hear the announcer say "another runner with a camera taking pictures of the finish line". Feel slightly silly.
the last band
The runners are on the overpass and circle around to pass underneath. There's a band under the overpass. The band was belting out a perfectly recognizable rendition of Ozzie Osbourne's "Crazy Train" with feeling and emotion. A perfect way to end a marathon.
The Cruel Hills
This is mile 24. See the time? 5:10 by the clock. Look past the right end of the clock and you will see the first of two Cruel Hills. Putting these in the way of the marathon in the last two miles is just not very nice. Lots of people walking them by the time I arrived on the scene.
Just a downhill race to Luxor
This shot looked better in person. At the end of the road you can see the pyramid for the Luxor Casino.
Tammy and another friend
This is Tammy, one of my many running heroes. She runs and runs and runs. She used to be as slow as me, but now she has sped up and I'm still slow.
Mile 21
This was kinda nice. out in the middle of nowhere is a race clock with the time. no generators, no people yelling, just time silently slipping away. Down the road you can see the Mandalay Bay Casino.
Beautiful painted hills west of LV
Looking west you can see the beautiful painted desert hills surrounding Las Vegas to the west. The city spreads out right to the base of these hills. It's quite lovely, in a desert sort of way.
Another Mile, Another Band
Another Mile, Another Band. Can't recall anything about these guys. I don't know who the people are hanging around in the left of the picture.
Elmo and friend
This was sooo funny!! They were here just to cheer on the runners and got so much attention!
And what simple costumes, too! That's me next October.
Long slow uphill grind
See, there's this hill that begins about mile 15 and continues to the turnaround about 4 miles away. And it looks like it might be flat and maybe your eyes are just tired or something, but it isn't flat, and when you FINALLY turn around and head for the finish line, you realize just how NOT FLAT it really is.
Another mile, another band.
I don't remember anything about these folks. When I walked past them I was trying to replace the batteries in my GPS - I always give others my helpful advice to replace batteries before a race, and then I don't do it myself. Probably cost me 10 minutes right there.
Cheering on the runners
Some local high-school cheerleaders and their fearless eagle mascot who came out to encourage the runners.
Mountains in the distance
I was trying to capture the mountains in the background - foothills compared to respectable mountain-sized mountains, but that's what is here. Also there were many Marathon Maniacs on the course - here is one.
"Toto, I don't believe we're in Kansas anymore." If she had a stuffed dog that would have been even better.
A busy intersection
At this intersection there was a band (pretty good!), runners going outbound, runners coming inbound (other side of the street), and the Half and Full marathon runners beginning to separate onto their different tracks.
Water station
Volunteers at a water station handing out Cytomax. I dislike Cytomax - too sweet, and the taste doesn't go away quickly. Seems like they signed a galactic agreement to be used at all of the R&R Marathons.
I told the volunteers to "smile" and one of them dutifully turned her back to get another cup ready to hand off. There goes her moment of fame...
I told the volunteers to "smile" and one of them dutifully turned her back to get another cup ready to hand off. There goes her moment of fame...
A band
A band playing in front of the Stratosphere (?) hotel. they were pretty good. next time i need to include some audio.
The Real Elvis
I think this photo says it all about LV. They charged me 10 seconds towards their finish time off of my time. Sounded like a good deal to me.
New York, New York
This is the New York, New York casino. See all the familiar buildings in the skyline? Incredible. What this must have cost. Think of how much $ they must get out of it to justify that kind of investment. Wow!
This is the Luxor casino. It is enormous. A Sphinx, an obelisk, and a 4-sided pyramid that lights up at night like a space ship. And it probably isn't the biggest. I am awed at the amount of money that has been poured into LV since I was last here about 20 years ago. Amazing.
The End of the starting line
Now, at 7:51, I can see the end of the starting line. 27,000 runners. Of course these folks can't see the actual starting line yet. but there's no one after them.
The Running Elvi
It was hard to notice and then get a picture of runners going the other way sometimes. You can see two Elvi (Elvises? how does one conjugate a dead singer? maybe like sheep or deer - Elvee?) running along over there.
the first band playing at the LV sign
This was a R&R marathon so there were bands playing throughout the course. Most would ham it up when you stopped to take your picture. I took a picture of almost every band, though I did not take pictures of the occasional empty stage. One band I didn't take a picture of had the vocalists screaming into the mike. Couldn't tell what was being said. And the guitar work was a perfect accompaniment to the lyrics, if you understand me.
at the starting line
There is a band playing up on top of the starting line (kinda hard to see). They are starting people off by corral, not en mass. The good news is that each corral gets to take off running from the get go (versus backed up just over the starting line like in so many other races). The bad news is it is annoying as hell to be herded along like cattle. Mooo!
Starting line fireworks
Starting line fireworks. The race officially started at 6:15 am. Starting line temp was forecast at 31F (feels like 25F) and it felt every degree of it. Thankfully only the occasional breeze.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Fwd: De-icing at iad
De-icing at IAD.
The trip didn't get off to a good start. 5 inches of snow in a short period of time delayed the flight and caused me to miss my connection to LAS.
Thankfully American Airlines booked me on a later US Airways jet and got me there. Thank you, American!!
The trip didn't get off to a good start. 5 inches of snow in a short period of time delayed the flight and caused me to miss my connection to LAS.
Thankfully American Airlines booked me on a later US Airways jet and got me there. Thank you, American!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Viva Las Vegas
Trying to get myself psyched up for LV. It's hard because I keep on thinking about LA. Why am I dreading dealing with this? I just need to put this out of my mind for about an hour to get into the race and then the running genes should take over.
Look at the elevation chart. I ask you, where on earth does that hill come from?
I remember LV being flat as a pancake except for poured concrete.

Look at the elevation chart. I ask you, where on earth does that hill come from?
I remember LV being flat as a pancake except for poured concrete.

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