Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some Sunday miles

It had rained all Saturday night and into Sunday morning, so when I got up at 6am I wasn't sure how soggy it would be. It turned out to be nice on W&OD trail. It's about a mile from my house to the eastern-direction trail intersection. I ran there, then I went east about 3.5 miles on the trail, then turned around and went west on the trail through Herndon until I hit the 11 mile mark or so in Loudon county, then back home from the other side of town.

I stopped about mile 9 at a 7-11 to get some hot chocolate. My fingers were numb and I was pretty chilly, the warm water really warmed me up. I had thought to myself before I left the house "do you need mittens? Naah, it's 60F out there, why would I need mittens!

When I started the trail was deserted - not a sign of life anywhere. It was a beautiful morning for a run - 60F with a 10mph wind blowing from the west and the odd sprinkle. Traffic on the path picked up by about 7:30 or so.

All in all I completed about 15 miles and change, in 2:41 or so (I clocked out at the 7-11, but I clocked out one other place and forgot to clock back in for at least a half hour so I'm not sure of the exact pace/timing overall).

I was pretty tired. I gave blood last Friday and I suspect this had something to do with my tired. The Nurse at the blood donation operation said I should be fully recharged about the time I am at the Seattle marathon, so none too soon. I'm going to eat some lean red meat here later today and help get my hemoglobin count back up to where it needs to be.

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