Saturday, May 3, 2008

Running with the Reston Runners

I ran with the Reston Runners on Saturday@8:00 (there is also a Sunday run but it interferes with church & makes it hard to attend). The meeting spot was the same parking lot that was being used by the Reston Community Yard Sale, an unfortunate coincidence when it became bumper-to-bumper cars.

The route was about 5 miles, lots of hills. I forgot my watch(es), so I don't know even close how fast I ran where. I ran every last inch though, some parts faster than others. I finished in under 1 hour, probably like 45 minutes.

After the race, the Reston Sport and Health club hosted the runners for breakfast: three kinds of bagels, bananas, oranges, and coffee. It was nice. I had not been in the club before - didn't know it existed - and it made me want to join a club again.

The sun was out and I was drenched with sweat at the end of the run. At home I weighed in a just under 5-pound loss on the run, and this was after some refueling.

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