Saturday, August 9, 2008

And it had started out so nicely too...

I woke up at 6:30 energized for a really great, long run. The plan was to head west on the W&OD and see a part of the trail, Loudon county, that I've never seen before. And it was great. I was mostly on the horse trail section which has some loose rocks and dirt and travels more vertical distance than the flat running path.

Overall I was keeping my speed very close to a 9 minute pace. Around mile 7 I pulled over at Smith's Switch Station for water and a break, and soon was back on the road. By the time I pulled into Ashburn, my right Achilles tendon was "twinge-ing". Not really pain, just letting me know it was there, but in a threatening sort of manner. I stretched my legs out well and, that being about the 8 mile mark, started back.

I hadn't gotten far when my twinge became sore and quickly painful, so I stopped.
And it had started out so nicely, too....

I walked quickly using short strides back to Route 28, found a phone at Target and called my wife to ask her to come pick me up, so the rest of the day wouldn't be a total loss.

Now I have to rest it, maybe some exercise bike and weights, until the half marathon on the 31st. There is no excuse for me to push it hard and ruin the race.

Cliff at RR tells me that the Achilles warms up slowly because it is farther away from heat sources, and of course has no blood supply directly. He suggested forcing myself to warm up slowly. Perhaps I could add some insulation to my calves or BenGay or something to help warm them up also.

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